Regret to inform that this venue is no longer operational.

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Property Type
Bar and Pub
Venue Type
Bar and Pub

Parking Details
Parking Not Available

Room Available
Not Available

Liquor Policy
Operating Time

Spaces Available

Starting Price

Veg Package
800Per Person

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Customer Reviews

$vm_veg $80%
$vm_clean $80%
$vm_ambience $80%
$vm_service $80%
Value for Money
$vm_value_for_money $80%

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- Yashvi Shah

13th June 2020

‘Sparkle Restro-Bar’ has an appealing and charming ambiance, the earthy décor and the wooden furnishings makes the place quite engaging and enticing. The restaurant is widely spacious and the plush seating arrangement is spread strategically. The combination of low lighting, designed and attractive ceiling and the wooden furnishings makes the place quite tempting and welcoming. They serve delicacies from Chinese and North Indian cuisines. They are known for their delectable, smoki more
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Things To Know


The venue is located on the Surajpur Kasna Road near the Jagat Farm Market. The nearest bus stop from the venue is the Jagat Farm bus stop which is used as the landmark to reach out for the venue.


The Sparkle Restro Bar has a pretty decent ambiance which shows class and luxury in itself. The interiors of the venue have been designed in a way such that it can show its class and style to the guests. The extremely comfortable seating area of the ambiance makes the venue even more suitable for the guests to have a visit and the venue is so special in its kind that the guests would like come in here again and again for sure. The ambiance also has a decent bar setup which looks so satisfying to the eyes that people can sit here for the whole day, having their glass of wine or any other drink. The venue has a cpacity of having 50 guests at a time for accommodation and therefore, it is the perfect venue to host your birthday parties, bachelor parties, social gatherings and so on.

Food and Service

This extremely classy and beautiful venue has Chinese and North Indian cuisines on the menu for the guests. The venue has a decent team of the in-house caterers to look after all the food requirements of the guests and the team always comes up with some of the best delicious and flavorsome delicacies. Moreover, the venue has a live music facility for the guests to have some time of entertainment on the melodies of live music. It also has a live screening facility for the guests. Talking more about the services, the venue outdoor space available for the guests as an option, if they want to have outside events. The venue also has a smoking area for the guests to have their time alone in privacy if they wish to. Moreover, the venue also has a dedicated dance floor for the guests to shake their legs on the beats with their family or friends. The venue has a lot of cocktail drinks on the bar for the guests and also a microbrewery to let the guests enjoy the best of their time in the venue. The venue staff has always been humble and polite with the guests and the services have always been prompt in this venue.

Known For

The venue is being known for its brewery and for the fact that it has one of the most satisfying interiors which sets an example of class and style. Moreover, food delicacies have always been up to the mark whether it is about taste, or the aroma, or the presentation of the delicacies.

Best suited for

  • tickBachelor Party
  • tickBirthday Party
  • tickCocktail Party
  • tickCorporate Party
  • Read More
  • tickParty
  • tickSocial Gathering


  • tickParking
  • tickLive Music
  • tickOutdoor Space
  • tickSmoking Area
  • Read More
  • tickLive Screening
  • tickDedicated Dance Floor
  • tickGames
  • tickPrivate Dining Room(s)
  • tickMicrobrewery
  • tickRoof Top
  • tickKids Allowed


  • tickChinese
  • tickNorth Indian

Terms and Conditions

  • All Government applicable taxes will be applied.
  • All Venue Rules Apply.


  • tickParking space available for vehicles


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The Sparkle Restro-Bar has accomodation facilities for 50 number of guests for a small gathering, where the per plate costing for veg food would range from 800-800 and per plate costing for non-veg would range from 0-0. For a large gathering, the venue can provide custom package rates based on customer requirements. It’s one of the best in town .

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