Regret to inform that this venue is temporarily not operational.
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Customer Reviews
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- Girish
10th June 2022Great venue. Couldn't say something negative even if I tried. The staff and management are very helpful and polite. The cuisine is delicious and great. The vibe is perfect got formals as well as informals. Great venue. Very green and beautiful building structure. Feels like sitting amongst nature. Would highly recommend this venue to anyone and everyone. Great for outdoor events and gatherings!
- Ruhi
1st May 2022The staffs and the management are very polite, I visited this place with my friends and Those who enjoy exploring should definitely come here because they will have a unique experience.
- pavan
3rd March 2022The atmosphere is ideal for both formal and informal gatherings. great location Beautiful and really green architecture. feels like being outside in the fresh air. I would recommend this location to everyone and anyone. Excellent for picnics and events outside!
- heeru
27th February 2022I thoroughly appreciated the performances. When seen live, it was so much more lovely and graceful. There were also several restaurants here, so after a strenuous investigation, we stopped at one and enjoyed a filling supper while conversing and taking in the airy atmosphere. We all had a very special day on that occasion.
- Harish Rao
22nd February 2020Things To Know
Food and Service
Known For
Best suited for
Cocktail Party
Corporate Party
First Birthday Party
Kids Party
Air Condition
DJ Available
Power Backup
Fast Food
Terms and Conditions
- All Government applicable taxes will be applied.
- All Venue Rules Apply.
Parking space available for vehicles
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- User
13th September 2022The place as very good ambience and it offers a lot of things. Their musical performances are a must watch. The best part of this place is that it is pocket friendly for all.